Exhibiting SRAA artwork the Averitt Corridor Galleries.
All art must have a wire hanger on the back to hang properly on the wall display system. No sawtooth hangers allowed.
All pieces should be hung consistently at eye level for a short person (due to wheelchair access) This would be with your center of height being at 51-53”. So if your painting is 24” tall, your painting’s center (12”) would be at 52” from the floor.
Labels should be on white card stock and be about 2” x 3-4” although they could be a little larger, especially if you have a story about your image or technique.
Choose an easy to read font (16 – 24 size) and include the following information:
- Artist Name
- Title of Piece
- Media
- Size
- Date (year work was done)
- Price or NFS or From the Collection of….
Options 2 and 3 indicate the work is not for sale)
The Averitt Center has a paper cutter on the second floor that SRAA members can use if needed to prep for exhibitions.
Attach the labels to the wall at a consistent height with scotch tape rolled double behind the label. Leave your business cards at home, although one or two could be left at the front desk. Do not tuck a business card into the frame or stick it onto the front of your painting. SRAA has card stock for labels available to members for exhibitions.
A label with your contact info may be attached the bottom right side of the back (reverse side) of your artwork for gallery staff in the event your painting is sold.
If only one artist is displaying, an artist statement with photo, framed 8” x 10” (or so), completes the information viewers seek. Hang it with the display. If several artists are sharing a wall, no artist statement is necessary.
Snap a photo of your exhibit and/or a selfie with the exhibit to post on social media, including the SRAA Facebook site. A photo will also serve as inventory control so you will remember which art is on exhibit in what location.
For the Library Gallery Wall
Since the Library cannot sell SRAA art on site, some of their display rules are different.
All art must have a wire hanger on the back to hang properly on the wall display system
Business cards with artist contact info are essential here so buyers can reach you.
Artists cannot attach anything to the library wall so no tape or nails, please. Hang work on the display system rods at the heights suggested above. Coil excess wire and tuck it behind the artwork. Heavier art, framed under glass, may need 2 hooks to support the weight and to help the work hang straight and level.
Tuck a business card into the corner of the frame or attach it to the work. A small price label may be included, if desired.
If only one artist is displaying, an artist statement with photo, framed 8” x 10” (or so), completes the information viewers seek. Hang it with the display. If several artists are sharing the wall, no artist statement is necessary
Snap a photo of your exhibit and/or a selfie with the exhibit to post on social media, including the SRAA Facebook site. A photo will also serve as inventory control so you will remember which art is on exhibit in what location.
For the Rosengart Gallery
Follow the Averitt rules above. Work will be hung for you by the SRAA Display Committee.
For Outdoor Shows with Hanging Racks: Wire Hangers and Business Cards with prices are a must. Inventory sheets and labels may be required to facilitate sales.